Okay - im doing it - i am a blogger - i never thought i would do this because i feel vulnerable but this blog is my testimony about God's greatness in my life. God has been pursuing me and it has been over this last year that I finally entered into a season where I was quiet before Him and let Him have all of me. I call it my inward journey. Getting quiet before God has been one of the hardest and yet the most life transforming things I do. I have believed in Jesus most my life as my Saviour, but it has only been in the last couple of years where Jesus is becoming my everything, and I feel like i am only beginning this journey, there is so much to learn and discover about God, i know it will take all this life and eternity - and even though most of the things that have occurred between God and me cant be penciled down - i can share that a miracle is happening, there is a little less of me and a little more of Jesus. The whole chapter of Psalm 37 is one I have camped out on and has become a favorite of mine especially vs 4 "Delight in the LORD and He will give you the desires of your heart." Everyday I pray "God become my delight" He answer this prayer - I am not the same person and God is the delight of my life and the desires of my heart are changing. I so desperately want to live by His spirit and not by my flesh. I want to be about the Kingdom of God and not the kingdom of Marcy. I am so aware that I am desperate for Jesus every second because He is my strength and I am so proned to wander.
So... Jesus is the delight of my life but that is only a part of it, the other truth that God has been trying to infuse in every part of me is that He delights in me. WOW!! There is nothing that I can offer to him. He loves me and you just because He does. When I think of delight - words like happy, love, pleasure, joy, a smile. Does God really think that of me of you? That is the the truth of the gospel isnt it?!! For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. John 3: 16. It is the message of the whole Bible Read Zeph 3:17, Ephesians 1:3-13, how about Isaiah49:16. (Just a few) God has my, your, name engraved on his hand. God who spoke the heavens and earth into existance, the God that all creation bows down to (Ps 19) the God that the heavenly beings shout Holy Holy Holy is the LORD God Almighty, who was and is and is to come. Is the same God that loves you and me so much that became flesh and lived a life of a servant (a servant to us) and died the most horrific death - to make a way for us to come back to Him.WOW - King made servant, Lion becoming a slaughtered lamb, Conquerored the death that I deserve and now is raised up. His name is above every name. And every knee will bow and mouth confess the Jesus Christ is Lord. This is TRUTH! May this truth burn a fire in my gut, may this truth bring me to my knees, may this truth be the truth I center my life around. Forgive my unbelief God - give me more faith to live more courageously for you in my world. Help me to walk by faith and not by sight and thank you God for loving me so much that went to such great length to prove your love to me and that right now you continue to pursue me.
In my life - Jesus be lifted high
In my world - Jesus be lifted high
In my love - Jesus be lifted high