Sunday, February 13, 2011


Yesterday was a low key day. Our family hasnt had that in a long time and it was welcomed. I had the chance to be in prayer for Sawyer, who was at a Youth Retreat...praying God would move in his life.. just being home was a gift.. I love our home. (FYI... God moved at the YOuth Retreat:)

But I had a chance to read through all my journals over the past 19 years and couldnt believe all the answered prayer... so many answered prayer and prayers that I have been praying for 19 years and still praying for believing that God is ABLE... And writing down the journey God has been traveling with me and my family and how through my entries I could testify that God has molded me and made me more like him through the struggles and through expereince not through the comfortable.

I heard a pastor preach that God is writing our story, just like the people of the Bible, what is so great about the greats in the Bible. They all have one thing in common, they failed miserably and yet they were obediant to the call God put on their lives they just knew that they knew even when it looked crazy or stupid to the watching world and God worked through that.

Reading in my journal from 2006 on about how God started speaking over us, that he impressed that he would be uprooting us, people speaking into our lives that knew nothing about us, Africa being introduced to us, the Boiler Room becoming near to us.

I dont know, it was so confirming to know that we are following God's lead. And it also confirms that writing things down and remembering things is God's way. Looking back has been amazing.

Our brain is just to small to remember the journey. So as we continue to walk in this broken world, we trust Jesus... We trust him with our time downtown, knowing he has called us to this place for this season, and he is faithful, we are learning so much. And we are trusting God with the passion and dreams for a faraway land and people. After reading through my journal I have a new committment to pray more for the people and land we love, to trust God with the passion and dreams I know are from Him. In His way and in His time, its surrender. I trust him with our kids, praying that they would be messangers for HIM. I trust Him to be Jehovah Jirah - God is our Provider.

A friend prayed the other night "God help us not to settle for the good, when You have the BEST."

Pondering what things in our lives have we settled for the good not letting God give us HIS best.

So I'm recommitting to journaling again. To remember and testify to where God will take us in the next 20 years. When my life story is read I want it to say.

"And this one walked with the LORD".