Thursday, July 16, 2009

It's Been a Year...

This time last year our family was excitingly preparing to go over seas, to a land we already loved to meet the people that God already gave us a passion for.

This time last year, I was dreaming, and praying and imagining what it would be like to go to a far away land that already stole my heart and Kevin's.

It has been two years where there hasn't been a day where my heart and thoughts dont go there. I blogged in one of my very first entries about that. God brought kevin there physically and wreck him there, and somehow in my heart He did the same to me without even going there.

I remember this peace that passed all my understanding from the travels, to setting foot on this great land, to meeting Cedric at the airport for the first time and then Sylvia(I felt like I already knew them). To meeting Nelis and Inesa - who made such a profound impact on Kevin the first time, and feeling like we were long lost friends.

I remember walking into Masi the very first day with a team of people I consider some of my dearest friends today. - WE were on a mission to love people. Even Masi, through all the poverty, and smells and the witchcraft and drinking and drugs - God put a love in my heart for them way before I walk into that community on the dusty roads. Please dont get me wrong though, entering into people's lives where survial was something they had to think about everyday, walking into poverished conditions that our minds could not and still can't comprehend. It was one of the hardest things to do and yet it was the greatest expereince of my life.

Vovo, Christina, Elias, Portia,Godknows,and all the little kids that we would see day after day. Kids so eager for a hug, or to touch our white people's hair. Singing praises to Jesus in an 10x10 cardboard home. These memories burn in my heart. They have become so much a part of who I am today.

You see Vovo and her little guy - they represent even more than a hero to me. They represent millions of people living just like they do. Hungry, Poor, HIV, Widowed, Fatherless, Oppressed - and yet through her beatuiful smile - I see Jesus.

Three weeks in a far away land called Africa - I learned more about the Gospel than I have in my whole life. Thinking about those three weeks - I learned so much, I would have done things differently, I would have spent more time in Masi, I would have loved more - but somehow through my feeble attempts I seen that God through his extrodiary greatness turns my filthy rags of righteous into something beautiful - only through Jesus. God really can use less than ordianary people. He is looking for people who are willing.

Now I know a lot of people say - bloom where you are planted - and that is right on. It is our families desire to bless each other and the community that we live in - and by the grace of God there be fruit in our action.

But what do you do with a deep intense passion for the orphan and the widow... That is what we have been praying about for the last two years. We go from this is a selfish desire, to.. NO this is a calling... to this is a selfish desire.. to NO this is a calling. The cry of the orphan rings in our ears.

I live in a small community (which I love) where we have 19 churches. On any given week this summer my kids could go to Vacation Bible School. One week this summer three churches were holding them at the same time.

I think what great opportunities for the churches to be intentional about reaching our kids with the Gospel. i have seen churches in my community that are Spirit-filled and are so passionate about seeking the lost in our community. I applaud them and are thankful for them.

But there are places, just 15 min away in the city where there is less opportunity to hear and expereince the Gospel, and then there are places in the world where people who need HOPE are forgotten.

The harvest is ripe... the workers are few.

That is the first thing that Kevin said the first time he came home from Africa.

we are willing to be sent LORD, If it is not now then maybe later, if it is not physically being there, then it will be through prayers, finacial (God willing) and through encouragement of the people who are there. We don't want to forget, we want to plead the cause of the orphan and the widow. We know that God has blessed us to be a blessing.

I thank God for the brothers and sisters who live in Africa, the ones we know by name but also for all the ones they represent. WE so love them.

Someday when the King of Kings returns - we will be reunited - praising Jesus - just like in the 10x10 huts - only well all have our mansions, and we'll be neighbors.

Living today to its fullest and still dreaming dreams about furthering His Kingdom in a foreign land. I have learned that even a dream can become an idol - so living in contentment with a heart fully committed to Jesus and trusting is God's Way.

Jesus - today like every other day - I want to thank you for the opportunity to live in Africa for three weeks, thank you for totally messing me up, thank you for humbling me, and thank you mostly for being so real to me through my African friends. You are still using them to refine me.

Bless them and keep them LORD, make your face shine upon them and give them PEACE.

P.S. Jesus, in your perfect timing we can't wait to be reunited with them.

1 comment:

brooke sellers said...

i love you for being willing and faithful to STAY, even as you're aching to GO.