Friday, January 1, 2010


...what will it bring. what will this next year bring, this next decade.

i love new beginnings, i love them more and more, stepping into something new.

...but I think one thing that I have learned in 2009 is that God timing is different then mine - that God is God and I am not. And that I have only begun to know a little about surrender.

its been a year where Jesus is teaching me more about the true meaning of the GOSPEL. My mind cant comprehend what He did for me, what He wants for me and what He is preparing for me - And then what He is calling me.

Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevail. Proverbs 19:21

I know that God is making me more and more like Him. I feel Him cut things out of my heart and replacing them with Him. And so in many ways this has been a year of journeying in my heart. A quiet and personal journey with Jesus. And God giving me dreams and desires that could only come from Him - but then asking me to trust, wait and walk by faith and not by sight.

As reflecting back on 2009, God brought to mind that last year on Jan 1 2009 is when we invited Lisa and Neil to our home, we have had people living in and out for a whole year, and ironically (maybe) we packed Chelsea up on Dec 31 2009 for Alaska. Our home is just the 6 of us - until God brings someone else. Our home is His and our family is open to whatever He wills. we are sustained only in His GRACE and LOVE.

What will 2010 hold - HOPE and a FUTURE - declares the LORD. For me, sure I will continue to pray for miracles, because we serve and love a God who can, and I will pray for these dreams and desires in my heart to continue to grow and flower, I have lots of them for me and my family. But the greatest desire in my heart is this simple " to glorify Jesus with my life and enjoy Him" - whatever I am doing, wherever I am.


chelsmichal said...

I love you, and I miss you my mom-friend-role model-lady. cant wait to see you again. miss your house, your coffee, your laugh, your kids, that dumb dog of yours... *smooch* - thank you for letting God use you to change my life.

April said...
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